Wing and nail clipping

Wing and Nail Clipping in Sydney

Birdsville provide an expert service of wing clipping and nail clipping.

Wing and nail clipping
Wing and nail clipping

Wing clipping and nail clipping is available anytime during opening hours. Our team are highly trained on the correct methods and procedures of clipping wings. Getting your birds wing clipped by a trained expert (that is not yourself), is recommend for some birds, as your bird is less likely hold a grudge against you.

Nail Trimming

There are many perches available, such as sand, concrete and grit perches that are excellent to help ware down the tip of your budgies’ nails.  Trimming your birds’ nails for you.

However, some birds may need them trimmed, which we can do in store.
most birds usually need a nail trim at least twice a year, if they are not being worn down by perches.

No need to book an appointment, we can check your budgies’ nails anytime we are open.

Should I get my birds wings clipped?

It is not necessary unless it’s a safety requirement, such as you have kids that let them out, or someone is looking after them that is scared, they may escape etc.  One of the risks for pet birds is they can fly into windows injuring them self.  If you want to let your birds’ feathers grow out, then use soap to rub on your windows so the birds learn where the windows are.  This way they will be much less likely to fly into them and when they learn where the windows are, you can remove the soap from the windows and the birds get used to and will remember to not fly into the windows.

Will wing trimming stop my bird flying away?

Wing trimming does not guarantee your bird cannot fly but only reduces or limits flight.  Some birds are still capable of flight with completely clipped wings and other birds can get some distance in a downwards glide.  We still recommend a harness if you have your bird out of its cage outdoors and/or due diligence when your bird is outside.

Wing clipping cost $15 for small and medium birds (cockatiel, budgies, quakers, conures) and $20 for large and extra-large birds (galahs, eclectus, hanhs macaw, caiques, macaws, cockatoos). On weekdays (Monday to Friday) we offer a small and medium wing clip free with any purchase over $15 at the time of wing clipping (purchase doesn’t include service fee, i.e., nail clipping, boarding or other wing clips).

We can do half clips where we only take a little bit off the wings to reduce speed for apartment birds if you request us to do so. Some people still like there bird to fly but don’t want them to build up too much speed in case they hit a window for apartment or house living birds.

A free wing clip for small and medium birds on weekday with the purchase of $15 or over on the day of wing clip (purchase doesn’t include service fee, i.e., nail clipping, boarding or other wing clips)!

Nail clipping is available 7 days a week.  Our team are highly trained on the correct methods and procedures of nail clipping. Getting your birds nails clipped by a trained expert (that is not yourself), is recommend, as your bird will not hold a grudge against you.

Nail clipping cost $15 for small and medium, (such as Budgies, Cockatiels and Conures) and $20 for large and extra larger birds (such as Galahs, Eclectus, Macaws and Sulphur Crested Cockatoo).

Dear valued customers and pet owners

On Entry to Birdsville/petsville all owners of any animal brought into Birdsville/Petsville agrees to be solely liable and financially liable for their pet.  This includes any and all acts of behavior of their pet including wing trimming, administering medication, nail trimming, leg ring removal, beak trimming and pet minding, or any bird/animal handling of any kind in store by our Team.  This may also include, but is not limited to injury or death to a pet, injury or death to

Bird nail clipping | Sydney
avian nail clipping

another pet(s), or injury or death to any individual pet getting services in our store.  Extra care will always be taken by our team when performing any trimming of nails, wing, beak or leg ring removal or boarding.

Some enclosures that are used as carriers increase the risk of injury and stress of a pet due to the difficulty or removing the pet from the enclosure.  If you are unsure of a pet carrier you use, please ask one of our senior staff members.

Nail, wing and beak trimming or ring removal and any general handling/grooming can expose a hidden medical problem or aggravate a current one. The stress of grooming may cause latent unknown, active or inactive conditions.

In the unlikely event your pet has a medical problem Birdsville/Petsville believe it is serious, and the owner is not on – site.  We will immediately seek medical attention for your pet at your expense.

Pet owners, by getting your pet wing trimming, administering medication, nail trimming, leg ring removal, beak trimming and pet minding, or any bird/animal handling of any kind in-store agree not to hold Petsville/Birdsville liable for any vet fees or loss. We do not take financial responsibility for animals not owned by Petsville/Birdsville.

Occasionally grooming, nail, beak and wing trimming or handling can expose a hidden medical problem or aggravate a current one.  This can occur during or after grooming.  Please make sure to alert us of any current or past issues so we can keep an eye out for them.

Accidents, although very rare, there is a risk when dealing with animals.  Grooming equipment is sharp and although we use extreme caution and care in all situations, it is possible that a pets’ nails can bleed a bit.  In most cases this can happen if the animal is wiggling and moving around a bit, or the animal has an unusually/unexpected long blood vessel inside the nail.

Your pet’s safety and comfort are our number one priority.  In the event an accident does occur, a mild styptic powder will be applied to stop and slow down the bleeding.

Our team are well trained and will always do their job to the best of their human ability, on rare occasions an animal can re-act in an unexpected way, and cause damage to itself or another animal or even death as they can be unpredictable, in this case Birdsville/Petsville is not liable for the loss of a pet or any resulting vet fees.

A good pet carrier in our opinion is vital for every pet owner as the animal is not stressed arriving to us and can be removed in and out of the carrier without stress.

One of the benefits of having your birds’ nails trimmed is we can often tell your bird has a calcium deficiency due to soft nails and poor feathers.

No need to call as long as we are open, we clip birds, rabbits and guinea pigs 7 days a week.