Finch Seed

Finch Seed For Sale Sydney

Finch Seed diets are made up of many different seeds, including finch mix, poppy seed, hulled sun flower seeds, hull oats, wheat germ, flower corn meal, couscous and different millet seeds. They also should be offered more the just seed, they eat insectivore mix, greens, grains, egg and biscuit formula, finch crumble, meal worms and fly pupae or maggots. Some breeders supply termites to there birds but these are difficult for most people to source.

These birds should also be given vegetables, such as cucumber, endives, spinach, broccoli, beans, snow peas, peas and corn  every day to second day. Pellets or crumble can be given as an extra feed source and “Egg and Biscuit” when breeding.


Avigrain Finch Blue

Avigrain Finch BlueAvigrain Finch Blue

Contains: Equal parts White French Millet, Canaryseed, Jap Millet, Panicum and/or Red Panicum.

Doesn’t contain: No black oilseeds and Panorama.



Avigrain Finch Red

Avigrain Finch Red Avigrain - Finch Red

Contains: Panorama, White French Millet, Canaryseed, Jap Millet, Panicum, Shirosie Millet, Red Panicum and/or Canola.

Our Standard Finch mix for all varieties.



Tonic Seed

Avigrain Tonic Mix

Tonic Seed contains amino acids, Methionine and Lysine, which as essential  for good reproduction and feathering.





Niger Seed

Avigrain Niger Seed

Niger Seed is a tiny oil rich seed , which makes it an excellent energy source for finch  and canaries.





Plain Canary

Plain canary - Avigrain

100% CanarySeed





Hulled Oats

Avigrain Hulled Oats

Oats are a source of calcium, iron, vitamin B and nicotinic acid. Hulled oats are mostly feed to finches in winter.





French White Millet

Avigrain - French White Millet

French White Millet is the seed that is most digestible for all birds.






Avigrain Maw Seed


Maw is a tiny seed that contains 44% to 55%  of good oil.




Panicum (Red) Millet

Avigraun - Panicum Millet seed


Panicum is full of vitamins and minerals




Jap Millet

Jap millet


Jap Millet is a small, soft, triangular shape seed, that is easily digested by finches.




Millet Sprays – French White Millet and Panicum Millet

Panicum Millet French White Millet