Kakariki for sale Sydney
Native to new zealand these charming agile little birds have plenty of personality. Did you know there are 2 types of kakariki, the yellow crowned and the red crowned. We usually get the red crowned, and sometimes get the yellow crowned, or cross breeds.

Sexing kakarikie’s
The male has a larger beak that the female.
Cage’s for kakariki’s
Kakariki’s are very energetic birds and are well suited to aviaries. If you decide on keeping your Kakariki in a cage it should have plenty of room to move around as they are so playful and energetic make sure they have plenty of toys and swings. This will maintain their physical and mental health.
Kakariki breeding
Not a Difficult bird to breed a simple nest box similar to a cockatiel is perfectly fine and make sure just like all parrot you have nesting material in the bottom of the box atleast 2 inches deep. Place the nest box up high iside the aviary. If your breeding in a cage place the nest box on the outside of the cage and cut a hole in the wire so the nest box is not taking up too much room inside the cage. Birdsville has many cages available that have a pre designed removal area for a nest box to be attached
The female will lay egg’s around 2 weeks after mating.
These incredible birds will usually lay 6 to 14 eggs. I had a hen raw all 14 babies once which i thought was incredible. It is very rare that this can happen you are very lucky to get 8 babies survive. The egs are usually laid every second day as the babies are usually of different sizes. If you were to ring the chicks they require a ring of 5 mm internal measurement.
The chicks will start too pin feather at 3 weeks of age. by the time they are 5 weeks old they will consume the same amount of food as the parents.
The chicks will be able to feed them self when they are 6 or 7 weeks of age.
Diet for kakarike’s
These birds are good eaters and will it a large variety of food.
Always feed your Kakariki’s a good quality seed mix as this will keep your bird much healthier especially if you desire to breed your bird’s. Be wary of some supermarket brands as the have a lot filler seed and are of a poor quality if you are unsure of the seed you are feeding your bird’s ask your local bird specialist.
Raw Fruits and vegetable such as spinach, broccoli, capsicum, green beans, peas, apple, sweet potato, pumpkin, pear
PELLETS recommended for Kakariki’s – Vetafarm maintenance pellets, vetafarm Paradice pellets, kaytee pellets, roudy bush pellets.

Found in store, for more details call Birdsville 9667 2555. More information coming soon.