Birdsville Cages
All our Birdsville cages and carry cases/boxes large and small have been carefully chosen for the quality, form, convenience and good value so to enhance and assist with the best health and maintenance for your pet birds. Rule of thumb the bigger the better or a cage where the wing span can be easily achieved. Our team will guide you on the appropriate size required for your particular bird. Most come in easy pack boxes that can fit in most car boots.
Many bird-lovers ask why do we need to house a bird in a cage? At Birdsville we often get asked this question, especially when referring to hand raised birds. Customers see our happy birds in the shops pens and perches and often ask can they continue this method at home? It is a good question, especially when buying a hand raised bird, however birds like a secure habitat as well as some outside time. What they don’t realise is that we are always in the shop watching them and picking them up off the floor when they are in danger and at night they moved to their secure cages.
The importance of a cage is so your birds has a place where it feels safe and secure, a place of it’s own – like your bedroom. When you are home your bird will happy sit out on a stand or on top of it’s cage for a while. It is lovely to bond and great when they want to hang out with you. And for a hand raised bird this is important, so to keep them stimulated. However, when you go out or to bed you should always put your bird back into it’s home/cage. Birds are creatures of routine and will feel safe in the cage at night or when you leave the room. It is the best place for eating and sleeping – and this way you will keep your timber furniture or kitchen benches safe from being a chew toy, as well as keeping your bird safe from household dangers.
Another common remark we hear often in the shop is, “We will just get a small cage, because the birds will be out most of the time”. Please note: Once you add up time for sleep, work/school and traveling to and from work/school, not including such things as visiting friend or going out, it can accounts for 15+ hours a day and it happens at least 5 days a week. For these 15+ hours your bird will be in his cage, this is why cage size is important and the bigger the better.
When selecting a cage for your pet bird, it is important to remember that the cage should be big enough, not only for the bird to stretch it’s wings, but for the many toys, perches, food/water dishes, swings and ladders. With any bird, there is no such thing as a cage being too big! It is recommended that you house your bird in the largest cage you can afford; this will benefit the well being of your bird, and therefore you will end up with a much tamer bird in the long run. It will save you money and you will have a happy bird. If you buy a small cage, you will soon feel sorry for your bird and inevitably go out and purchase a larger one. The ideal cage should be sturdy, not flimsy, easy to clean and have appropriate bar spacing for the type of bird you are purchasing. our team will assist.
Tip: The cage should be cleaned every week and every two weeks a big clean, i.e. you need to include disinfecting the perches, food bowls and toys, not just changing the paper on the bottom of cage. Care must be taken, so old food does not accumulate in the cage, on perches or in feeders. If your bird is often on a deck or near the breeze of an open window it may get lice or disease from feral birds flying over or near its cage. be mindful of this as you will need to check your birds fore often and use de-lice treatment more regularly. Also a cage cove is advisable a night and especially in colder months. All available at Birdsville. Please view other pages on this site for examples recommended sizes for various size birds.
When purchasing a cage for your bird, it is a good idea to also think about the perches and toys your bird might need and like.
- Perches should be non-toxic, hardwood branches for larger birds will last longer then pine and varying sizes are better for the birds’ feet. Birdsville has a large selection and has special attachable natural hardwood perches. Perches such as those from Eucalyptus, Bottlebrush, Acacias or Grevillia’s are great for with both cage and aviary birds. It is important to wash the perches and allow them to dry before placing them in the cage.
- Choose bird toys that are appropriate for the particular type of bird you are buying for. You should choose a variety of different toys and textured amusement items, such as swings, ropes, bells, leather, wood, natural toys, foraging toys, acrylic toys, etc. Rotating toys is important, so to keep it interesting for your bird. In the shop we often hear many people say (which makes me concerned), “We don’t give our birds toys, because they destroy them”. This is a real shame, as birds are playful and somewhat destructive by nature and will only destroy toys that they really enjoy – it is fun and educational for them. I can not stress enough how important behavioral enrichment is for all birds.
There is a large selection of cages available at Birdsville for all varieties of birds:

(Macaw, Suplur Crested Cockatoo)