Cherry shrimp

PH – 6.8 – 8 (ideally 7.2)

temp – 18 – 28 degrees

GH – 6 – 11


Neocaridina heteropoda or cherry shrimp is a species of freshwater shrimp commonly kept in aquariums.
Full-grown cherry shrimp reach about 2-3 cm in length. At 1cm they may not have full colour yet but will get it soon.
They prefer clean water, Cherry shrimp are omnivores that may live 1-2 years.

The shrimp spend a great deal of their time sitting on aquatic plants, when available, and hiding in them for protection, especially after molting. They also eat the film of algae and microorganisms which forms on plant leaves without harming the leaves in the process. Java moss and Java fern are both excellent plants for the shrimp tank, as they thrive in the same conditions that the cherry shrimp do, and provide both the physical benefits of the plants to the shrimp and pleasing visual contrast with the bodies of the shrimp to the human viewer.


Shrimp are very sensitive to ammonia buildup in the water. They should never be put into a tank that has not been cycled properly.  Water testing should be done on any new tank to make sure its stable.  Shrimp are so sensitive that even trace ammounts of ammonia will weaken the shrimps immune system and cause death.  Ammonia is caused by over feeding, over stocking of shrimp, fish or both or decaying and uneaten food in the tank.


Tank Mates

Cherry Shrimp are very small and harmless, meaning that any carnivorous or omnivorous fish is a possible risk to them. Even fish too small to eat an entire shrimp can harass them, pick at their legs, etc. Newly hatched shrimp are so tiny that nearly any fish can, if so inclined, eat them. Therefore, if you intend to breed them, they should have a tank to themselves. Small, non-aggressive fish such as neon and cardinal tetras, otocinclus catfish, and possibly strictly vegetarian species of killifish, can be kept with cherry shrimp. Cichlids, barbs and similar fish will eat them.




These shrimp are very peaceful and active during the day.  They will graze of biofilm and algea on the decor and the aquarium glass. Periodically shrimp will shed the exoskeleton, leaving an empty shell that appears to look like a ghost of itself.  Leave the shell as it contains healthy minerals that are important for the shrimp.


Cherry shrimp and crystal shrimp are mostly agea eaters, be careful using fish food as it often contains copper which is toxic to shrimp. Shrimp will also eat algea discs, blanched or boiled zuchini, baby carrots, spinach and defrosted mulberry leaves.  At Petsville we have specialised food for shrimp food.