Macaw Care Sheet

Macaw Care sheet


Bringing your Macaw home for the first time

Diet for Macaws

For baby large Macaws feed them an all you can eat buffet until they are 6 months old.

Seed- Parrot seed

Sprouted seed- use Cocky seed for your sprouted seeds mung beans may be added.

  1. Place the desired amount of seeds to be sprouted into a container
  2. Rinse seeds in container well until water runs clear
  3. Soak over night in fresh water, the water level should be well above the seeds to allow for the seeds to swell.  Be sre to add multiclens or aviclens to the water to remove bacterial build up which can make your bird sick.
  4. Rinse well in the morning
  5. Spread seeds in a pan, colander or wide container in a dark and well ventilated area
  6. Rinse well several times a day
  7. Harvest the seeds when small sprouts begin to appear
  8. Drain the seeds until dry before serving on the menu, this will stop them spoiling.

Pellets- Kaytee pellets, tropimix large parrot, vetafarm macaw nuts, vetafarm paradise pellets small or large

Nuts- all kinds in moderation make sure peanuts are roasted, hazel nuts are healthier as they are not so fatty.

Fruits- apple, mango, berries, stone fruit, kiwi fruit, star fruit, rock melon, honey dew, passion fruit

Greens and vegetables- sweet potato, pumpkin, broccoli, zucchini, cucumber, green beans, corn, spinach, bok choy,

Vitamin supplement- Added via the water supply this is not necessary if you feed your bird pellets.


Vitamin D supplements


Signs your bird is Healthy

  • active and alert
  • sociable
  • clear eyes
  • clean vent
  • well groomed feathers

Signs of an unhealthy bird- If your bird has any of these symptoms see an avian Vet.

  • Swollen or red eyed
  • fluffed plucked or soiled feathers around the vent
  • wheezing or coughing
  • loss of apetite
  • swelling around the face or beak
  • Favouring one leg