Red Faced Parrot Finch

Red Faced Parrot Finch for sale

red faced parrot finch
Red-headed Parrot-finch


Natural Distribution and Habitat of Red-faced Parrot Finches

Native to New Caledonia they inhabit grass lands dotted with shrubbery in there native homelands.

Red Faced Parrot Finch Description

Often purchased by south sydney Rabbitoh’s supporters the body in grass green with a red face and neck and a red tail and tail area.  Ther are about 12 cm long the only difference between the male and female is the boy has more red on the face area which goes past the eye.  They can be difficult to sex.


Red face parrot finch
Red face parrot finch
Mixing red face parrot finches

These are great active birds which make excellent members of an aviary community.  They are very curious and mostly get along with other types of finches. Mixing finches

Introducing new birds to your aviary


Diet for the red headed Parrot Finch

Seed– Firstly the Most important thing you can do is place your bird on a good quality seed mix.  They will survive on a low grade mix but the feathers will eventually lose their shine and you will have little success breeding them.  Most pet stores and produce stores will stock good quality seed mix.  Some super market mix’s may look nicely packaged but are not the best choice due to the filler seed that they do not eat and the grit thats placed in the box among other things. If you are not sure about the seed you are using ask your local bird specialist.

Sprouted seed– A great adition for red face be sure to clean the sprouted seed thoroughly with aviclens to remove bacteria befor feeding your birds.

Millet sprays–  A fresh millet great for all finches french white or pannicum is recommended

Grit– because of the weight should be supplied in a separate container and use a good quality mix which contains charcoal, baked egg shell, shell, crushed cuttlebone and limestone.

Vitamin supplement– very important for the health and vitality of captive finches which is supplied via the water supply.

Greens– are very important for the health and vitality of all finches feed them greens such as seeding grasses, bok chou, chick weed, spinnach endive, broccoli, dandelion, flowering heads of milk thistle and lebanese cucumber.  This species enjoys greens as much or more than any other species of finch.

Live food– fly pupae and meal worms with a small amount of wombaroo insectivore mix added.  Live food will increase your breeding success.

Egg and biscuit formula– This important especially when breeding Red faces.  Supply your birds daily with egg and biscuit formula this can be added with the above insectivore mix and live food.

Fresh water


Breeding Red Faced Parrot Finches

If and only if they are given the proper diet mentioned above you should not have any issues breeding these birds.  The biggest difficulty is picking out your pairs as not all pairs will breed and due to the similarities of the sexes you can often end up with 2 of the same sex.  So have a good close look at the birds you are picking to increase your odds of breeding.  Ive always had success breeding these in semi opened finch breeding which are available at birdsville.  If you have a planted aviary they will build a nest in dense shrubbery.  They use a variety of swamp grass, coconut fibres, and long grass blades to complete there nest.  They usually lay 4 to 6 eggs, which take 12 to 14 days to hatch.  This is an extremely important period of time to increase their protein intake in the form of egg and biscuit, meal worms and fly pupae.  continue this over the next 6 weeks until the young are fully independent.


It’s important to worm your birds but keep in mind this species is especially sensitive to praziquantel, so please check your worming syrup doesn’t contain this.

Found in store, for more details call Birdsville 9667 2555. More information coming soon.