Vetafarm Wormout Gel For Sale Sydney
Vetafarm Wormout Gel is Water soluble bird wormer
Treats a wide variety of worms of worms including Tapeworm Worm (Choanotaena spp, Raillietina spp), Thread Worm (Capillaria spp.) Roundworm (Ascaridia spp.), Ceacal Worm (Heterakis gallinarum), Hook Worm Acuaria spp.) in both Aviary and caged birds

Directions for using Vetafarm Wormout Gel
Dilute wormout gel with water recommended dose rate “which is on the bottle” and provide as the sole source of water for 2 days, do not worm birds that are unweaned and make sure birds have been eating on their own for atleast 2 weeks before worming.
all aviary birds add 2ml of wormout Gel to 320 ml of water, Repeat process once every 3 months.
Crop needle dose of Vetafarm wormout Gel
Use a small syringe for accurate dosing. Carefully dilute 1mL of wormout Gel in 9mLs of water to make 10 ml of stock solution
Give 0.5 ml of stock solution per 100g body weight.
give treatment once only. Repeat process once every 3 months.
Vetafarm Wormout Gel Contains
20g/L Praziquantel, 20g/L Oxfendazole