Aurora Finch

Found in store for more details call Birdsville 9667 2555, More Information coming soon!

Pytilia phoenicoptera
Natural Distribution and Habitat

Native to western Africa thy inhabit cultivated fields, and open woodland never far from water.

Diet for Aurora finches

Seed–  A good quality seed mix is essential be wary of some supermarket mixes if you are unsure of the seed mix you are using ask your local bird expert for advice.

Sprouted seed– very good for Aurora’s be sure tp clean thoroughly with aviclens to remove any bacteria befor feeding to your birds.

Millet sprays-A fresh seed still attached to the stem there is a number of varieties we recommend french white millet sprays.

Greens-seeding grasses, chickweed

Vitamin Supplement– Essential for the vitality of your birds

Live food-Very insectivorous these birds must be supplied meal worms and fly pupae with an addition of wombaroo insectivore mix especially when they are breeding.

Egg and biscuit formula– Very important supplement for aurora finches

Shell grit– Supply a fine finch grit consisting of charcoal, crushed cuttle bone, shell, baked egg shell and limestone.


Breeding Aurora finches

Aurora finches will breed in half open finch nesting boxes, woven cane nest or in dense foliage.  Nesting material must be added such as swamp grass and white feathers to line the nest.

The hen will lay around 5 white eggs with both sexes sharing in incubating the eggs.  The egg incubation period is 13 days, the young will not leave the nest from 4 weeks after hatching and the parental birds will continue to feed the young for a further 4 weeks.  Do not remove the chicks from the aviary until they are self sufficient in feeding.


Sexing Aurora Finches

The red area on the hen is not as bright as it is on the cock bird.